Never knowing what to say
Never knowing what to do
Always looking for clues
Just a normal day
Feeling unsure
Totally perplexed with everyday life
Always on edge never certain
I wish I could lift this curtain
Needing to constantly satisfy my
need for information
Always online searching for new revelations
Going from site to site
Obtaining new insights every night
Trying to connect with people my
Attempting to reveal my unique
But ending up alone and
Feeling like my needs a total
Just a normal day
Can't You See
Can't you see
I just want to have a friend
Can't you see
I need the same connections in
the end
Can't you see
I want a good job
Can't you see
I need to have stability and
independence and be part of the general mob
Can't you see
I want to be independent on my
Can't you see
I want to be able to have my own
Can't you see
I want the same things as
everyone else
Can't you see
I want t be appreciated for myself
The Ode to the Autistic Man
Try to understand the challenges
that I face
I would like to be accepted as a
human in all places
Where I will end up in life I don't
But I hope to be successful
wherever I go
I would like to expand my social
skills in life
Making new friends would be very
Stand proud for the autistic man
For he will find a new fan
I hope to overcome the odds I
face today
Increased acceptance will lead
me to a brighter day
By the age of 20, I will have made
tremendous strides
I know in the future, life will
continue to be an interesting ride
I have made new friends by the
I will be given tremendous respect
by my family and peers
I hope to get noted for bringing the
issue of autism to the common
So that autistic people can be
accepted in this great land
Stand proud for the autistic man
For he will find a new fan
I hope to overcome the odds I
face today
Increased acceptance will lead
me to a brighter day
AWEnestly, I could have never put those words together so beautifully. Thank you Scott, and I assure you, with these words, you most certainly have found a "new fan". Please add me to your list of fans along with the likes of John Elder Robison, Melissa Manchester, Tom Rush, Jonathan Katz and John Sebastian. If you would like to follow Scott's blog and read more of his heartfelt words, check out his blog at http://scottlentine.wordpress.com/
I have to say, I'm really glad I chose blogging over logging, flannel shirts aside. Thanks to this blogosphere I have entered, I have met truly wonderful people like Scott who share my passion. T.D. Jakes said, "If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose." Scott and I have very different voices, very different perspectives, but in this blogosphere and beyond, our passion and our purpose have collided which is an incredibly cool thing. Even cooler than log rolling and climbing big trees with spiky shoes. Thanks again Scott...keep writing, keep educating, keep advocating, but most importantly, keep being you!