Okay, fine, chances are you may get a little pampering by not having to get dinner, fold the laundry or scrub the toilets, but, regardless of your plans and the degree of pampering you may or may not receive, Mother's Day is the one day of the year we actually get noticed. It is the one day that our kids actually pay attention to us because the calendar, the television and social media say they should. It is the one day the kids remember, I mean really remember, who we are, what we do, and why they are so freaking lucky to have us, and that is why, on this treasured day we will most likely hear, "Hey Mom, look..." at least 175 times.

Kids love to show us...everything. High how they can jump, how fast they can run, and how big they can poo. Yep, sorry, even THAT. And sure, when we are in the middle of bleach, boiling water or bathroom hygiene, and when we have "looked" exactly 47 times already that day, the words, "Hey Mom, look" sort of gets jumbled somewhere between our ears and and our brain and all we hear is the voice inside our heard going, "OMG! Can I get anything done?!".
I admit it, I'm guilty of not always looking, at least not in that moment, not right away, not until after I flush. I use to hear, "Hey Mom look" from Kyle when he would throw a ball, kick a ball, bounce a ball, or catch a ball. Now, as a 17 year old, I only hear "Hey Mom, look" when he pauses the DVR to show me something inappropriate and crude that Peter Griffith does on Family Guy. Sigh. Now, Emma, is a very different story, she is a show-er of all things (yes even the poo). Emma easily still utters, "Hey Mom, look" at least 75 times a day, and although I try to look all 75 times, I'd be lying if said I don't occasionally pretend to "see" and then mumble, "that's great honey", when she might actually be playing with fire.

Why you may wonder does Ryan's "Mother I have something I would appreciate sharing with you" have more weight than, "Hey Mom, look"? Because I can count on one hand the number of times I have heard them. These words, or anything even slightly resembling them, are not even uttered on the coveted, we remember how great mom is MomMe Day.

Ryan never showed. He never shared. He never uttered the words, "Hey Mom, look". Unless I prompted. Unless I begged. Unless I said, "Hey Ryan, look". And after downing a glass (or two or three) of wine, I swore then and there, if the words ever came, if ever heard them, I would never fail to look. I waited, bribed and begged for so long, how could I not look. And although I occasionally hear the words, or some derivative of them, there is still a long gap between the words' visits.
Whether it's the latest mod he downloaded on Minecraft or some crazy dog on YouTube, when Ryan does show, in his way, in his own time, I forego basic kitchen safety and bathroom hygiene because it doesn't matter what he has to share, what he wants me to see, what matters is, he wants me to look. I am typically dismissed quickly after I look with a "What are you still doing here?" or an "Okay, I'd like my privacy now", but, even if it's just a quick glance, he showed, and I'm so grateful I got to see.
So, yeah, it may not be right, it may not be fair, but, on this Mother's Day, when my kids really pay attention to me, when Kyle or Emma yells, "Hey Mom, look", for the 150th time, chances are I will look (most of the time), but, if Ryan happens to utter those coveted "Mother, I have something I would appreciate sharing with you" words not only will I look, but, I will see. I will see that although that "lack of showing" red flag still waves in the breeze, occasionally that red flag is lowered so I must run quickly before it is raised again.
I know that what Kyle and Emma want me to see is equally important, so I do look (as long as I'm not wiping my...well, you know), but, it's kind of like drinking wine from a Tiffany Crystal wine glass versus a Target, stemless wine glass. The wine is still wet, the wine is still chilled , and the wine still makes me feel warm inside, yet, somehow, drinking out of glass that is so rare, so exquisite, just makes the wine taste a little bit sweeter.
Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy your MomMe Day, but, don't forget to look, who knows what you might see.